Wednesday 11 June 2014

Personal Post #1: About This Blog

I started up this blog as an outlet for everything I feel about video games. The games I"m currently playing, played, and am going to play. Everything: games. I don't really have anyone to talk about video games with. Sure, I have two people in my life who play games, but they're...well. Not as overly-enthusiastic about controlling a mass of pixels to wreck shit up on screen as I am. Never really felt comfortable talking to others about what I love, I am.

One thing to note: I'm not very good at keeping up-to-date with news. I only know what's going on in E3 because of the hyped up fan reactions on Tumblr. (Dragon Age: Inquisition, ANYONE?!) The only news I care about are when my favourite games are releasing new installments or trailers. So, what do I fill this little blog up with, if not the news and professional reviews that all the other established gaming blogs have?

Well, I'm going to make this blog very personal. That's right. I'm going to blog about the games I'm playing, have played, and am planning to play. There will be a "live blogging" of sorts. And by "live blogging", I mean taking screenshots in games and sharing them here later. Speaking of which, here you go:

I'm playing Dark Souls and Oblivion concurrently, so that I have somewhere less punishing to take solace in after a thorough ass-kicking in Dark Souls. I've put Lightning Returns on hold, as I've not much time to spend with my Xbox. But when I'm free (which will be in about 5 weeks' time) I'll go crazy on that game. But oh wait, I'm going off-track.

So, other than the "live blogging", I'll be um... writing retrospectively about games I've played previously. I won't use the word "review", because that would take a more, well, "professional" gamer who's been in the industry and knows it inside out to write. (Although many game reviews nowadays are determined by the amount of money being shoved down the reviewers' throats.) Instead, it'll be a reflection of my experience with the game, with unadulterated adoration for aspects of the game I loved, and shit talk about those that I hated. I'll be honest, and I'll be biased. It's a personal reflection, after all. But I welcome discussion about any topic. It's always nice to be able to toss around ideas with others.

Well...I'll have to end this post soon, or my eyelids will slam shut and my face plants into my keyboard. I'm planning to talk more about the games I've played during my "online gaming phase" soon, but it'll have to wait until after E3.

Oh, E3...the event that I hate and love. In that order. See you in the next post!

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