Saturday 21 June 2014

Dark Souls: Progress!

I really considered talking about E3, but everything I wanted to say have been more or less picked through by everyone else already. Like Ubisoft bringing the Backstreet Boys back in Assassin's Creed: Unity (no, but really, 4 white bread males?), the never-ending Sony vs Microsoft war, and Nintendo being the best at the entire event. But, what's past is past, so I'd just like to put that behind. Been sick last week, haven't got the energy to write anything, much less play games. (And you know a gamer's really sick when they don't feel up to playing something they want to.)

Luckily, I recovered just enough to make some progress in Dark Souls.

Finally rang the first Bell of Awakening. To be honest, I was actually expecting to die over and over again at the Bell Gargoyles as I was aiming to get the Gargoyle Tail Axe. But summoning Solaire for this boss fight was definitely one of the best decisions to make in this game. Within the first 10 seconds (I swear, I didn't even have time to blink), Solaire fired up his Lightning Spear and BOOM! I got the Axe, with my mouth hanging open and my mind trying to process what just happened. Here's my character with her accidental acquisition.

The Gargoyles were pretty easy to fight, though a large part of it's because Solaire was the target dummy while I held the Drake Sword in both hands and hacked away. Thanks Solaire! On a side note, I really enjoy Solaire's cheerful disposition. [spoilers] It's quite sad to know that his bright ray of optimism will be dimmed much later in the game. But what's Dark Souls without being dark, right? [/spoilers]

So, fast forward through the Capra Demon. (Partly because I didn't take any screenshots. Ha.) That thing was a bitch to kill, what with its two dogs desperately trying to bite a chunk of your ass off. But I finally managed it after 6+ deaths by dodging its first attack, then running up and falling off the ledge to get to the dogs first. What comes after is just being familiar with its attack patterns and dodging at the right time.

Brimming with post-boss euphoria, I marched right on into the Depths, what comes before Blighttown. It's got a notorious reputation as the breaking point for a lot of players, and I'm definitely not looking forward to it. Even more so after having the Depths tripping me over and rubbing my face all over the floor. The first Butcher freaked me out, and the second took me a couple of tries to win. Then a slime lovingly smothered me when I got to a piece of loot. Then came the best part. I got Cursed.

Curse? Hahahaha. Fuck it. Fuck being cursed. And fuck the Basilisks that give you this condition. But I couldn't be bothered to hike all the way back up to the Undead Female Merchant for some Purging Stones, so I just trudged on to face the Gaping Dragon with only half my health, and not knowing what to expect from it.

Ugliness aside, I'm really impressed by how these bosses are designed. Sure, they get more and more horrifying as you progress, but you really have to appreciate how they manage to horrify you again and again. Or maybe I'm just a scaredy-cat. Who knows. But going back to where we were. The Gaping Dragon. No prizes for guessing what happened.

I see that screen in my nightmares sometimes. But I eventually learnt to take advantage of its down time after its charge attacks, and just hacked away with both hands during those windows of opportunity. Then...voila!

Truth be told, this really was one of the easier bosses. But then again, the next stop is Blighttown. So some horror on legs would probably rip my head out before I get to brag any more. And guess what? Something did. The icing on the cake? I lost the 30,000 souls earned from killing the Gaping Dragon. Haha.

Hahaha. Haha.


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