Thursday 12 February 2015

So, instead of just thinking about writing here again, I'm just going to do it. Having something concrete to ground me wouldn't hurt. In my recent disappearance, I've completed a couple of games before school rush overtook me, so there's a list for me to write on, at least.

  • Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • Neverwinter Nights
  • Neverwinter Nights 2
  • Dragon Age: Awakening
These are the games that I'll most probably be tackling soon. Perhaps not Dragon Age, as too much time has passed. Besides, I'd like to do some concurrent blogging with my second playthrough - makes it easier for me to grab my thoughts before they disappear into the void. Neverwinter Nights seems likely, or just a simple post about some mobile games I've been playing for some time.

All right. This is here now. I'll be back soon.

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