Thursday 9 October 2014

Star Trek: Online - First Contact

Star Trek is a franchise that I never really bothered with until recently, when a friend of mine recommended the TV series to me. Perhaps what caught my attention most was that Kate Mulgrew - who plays Flemeth in Dragon Age - plays Captain Janeway in Voyager, but that's a story for another time. I watched a little of Voyager, then moved onto the original series with Captain Kirk, then found myself falling in love with the series. Imagine my utter delight when I found out there is actually an MMORPG for it! 

In all honesty, that delight was almost doused when I watched gameplay videos and found its graphics and animations a little...lacking. It was quite a personal shame, as I always scoff when people complain about a game's graphics. I held off downloading it for a while, before thinking "to hell with it" and finally got it on my computer.

First impressions? Great for Trekkies, but for those who are not, this is just another MMORPG with sweet space combat.